
The Buck Moon

The Buck Moon

The Moon. We all know and cherish her. The New Moon not only represents a fresh start but also a time of retreat – a time when you can regain...

The Buck Moon

The Moon. We all know and cherish her. The New Moon not only represents a fresh start but also a time of retreat – a time when you can regain...

The Pursuit of Pause

The Pursuit of Pause

  Do you feel like life is busier than ever before? Are you feeling burnt out? Are you craving calm? A sense of peace won’t suddenly appear at your door. To...

The Pursuit of Pause

  Do you feel like life is busier than ever before? Are you feeling burnt out? Are you craving calm? A sense of peace won’t suddenly appear at your door. To...

Self-Care isn't Selfish

In a faced paced world that often associates self-care with selfishness, it's time to reclaim the importance of prioritising your own well-being.  At Vuelta a la Vida,  we truly believe...

Self-Care isn't Selfish

In a faced paced world that often associates self-care with selfishness, it's time to reclaim the importance of prioritising your own well-being.  At Vuelta a la Vida,  we truly believe...

4 Easy Ways to Upcycle & Repurpose Your Candle Tins

4 Easy Ways to Upcycle & Repurpose Your Candle ...

  At Vuelta a la Vida, we are committed to the practice of reusing and recycling as much as possible. Finding innovative ways to give new life to our packaging...

4 Easy Ways to Upcycle & Repurpose Your Candle ...

  At Vuelta a la Vida, we are committed to the practice of reusing and recycling as much as possible. Finding innovative ways to give new life to our packaging...

Benefits of Crystal Candles

Crystal Candles have a mystical and magical quality that creates an atmosphere of positivity and relaxation. Combining the power of beautiful gemstones with mood-lifting scents, candles with crystals offer a...

Benefits of Crystal Candles

Crystal Candles have a mystical and magical quality that creates an atmosphere of positivity and relaxation. Combining the power of beautiful gemstones with mood-lifting scents, candles with crystals offer a...

3 Ways to turn your home into a happy place 😇

3 Ways to turn your home into a happy place 😇

We are in pretty unnerving times and we all want to return home to a welcoming space where you can unwind after a gruelling day at the office. However, sometime when clutter accumulates,...

3 Ways to turn your home into a happy place 😇

We are in pretty unnerving times and we all want to return home to a welcoming space where you can unwind after a gruelling day at the office. However, sometime when clutter accumulates,...